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designed & implemented by Impact Hub Athens

2 years in the Agora

The Municipal Market of Kypseli celebrates its 2 years and Impact Hub Athens invites you to join us on 7th & 8th of November for 2 days with a rich agenda full of pop up stores, art, music & workshops.

The times are strange and all we’ve done a lot!

Together with the permanent “residents”, Impact Hub Athens, counts the Agora’s social impact, cultural productions , festivals & events of the past two years and co-design the years to follow while devoting 2 days with activities & mini events for youngsters & adults.

The programme of 7 & 8 Novembergives us a sense of what has happened and fresh ideas on what is next!

What happens in the Agora:

Saturday November 7, 2020

12.00 – 12.40 – Musical / Tale for kids 5-9 years old, Athens & Epidaurus Festival
12.00 – 21.00-“VERSCHWINDENDE WAND” – Interactive installation, Goethe Institut
11.00 – 13.00 – Utopia in my city (Workshop) – Goethe Institut (more here)
19.00 – 19.30 – Paint the Change, Impact Hub Athens
18:00 – 19:00 – Exhibition Opening – Gallery 13m2 Μαργαρίτα
18:00 – 20.00 – Dj Set

Sunday November 8th, 2020

11.00 – 20.00 – Super Kypseli – A Sunday devoted to meeting & shoping from the neighborhoods hippiest pop up stores (more here) + New Store Opening
11.00 – 13.00 – Postal Cards & Posters (Workshop), Goethe Institut (more here)
11.00 – 19.00 – Interactive Workshop, “VERSCHWINDENDE WAND”
“Such a relief, to have a language with the right words in it!”, , Goethe-Institut

*All actions will adhere to current healthcare regulations.

** Programme may be subject to change.

#ΡαντεβούΣτηΦωκίωνος #2yearsΔΑΚ #anniversary#ΔΑΚofimpact

2 years in numbers:

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